The Silence of Forgiveness (The Prodigal Son) SATB with divisi


When Ronald approached me with these words, I knew instantly that I could set them to music. Words like “yearning”, “love”, “distant”, “embrace”, “shame”, “illumination”, “waiting”, and “forgiveness”, they all spoke to my very being as an imperfect human. The process in which the notes developed was an emotional and spiritual experience. I pray that as your choirs take hold of the text and imagery that they too will feel this connection to the piece. The “Ubi Caritas” text was added to remind us of God’s ever present love and to me, felt like a heavenly intervention at the end of a spiritual struggle. “Ubi cáritas et ámor, Déus íbis est.” (Where there is charity and love, God is there.) It has been an honor to work with Ronald, and to set his beautiful words. May they come to life through your preparation and performance not only for yourselves, but your audience as well. ~Jen Wagner


The Silence of Forgiveness

(The Prodigal Son)

I yearn for something lost When drawn away from home.

The love I knew there calls me back again.

Love, from its distant yearning follows each step I take,

Waiting for that illumination when

On the path, that leads to nowhere I discover I have no where to go.

Turning home, love sees me, from a far off place

And runs to embrace my disappointments and shame.

Holding me in its surprise Love speaks not a sound

Until I know I have found That drawing me all my life was

The silence of forgiveness.

Notes from the Author

In the silent presence of love’s most extreme expression we find the fullness of mercy and grace. No word of condemnation. Only an embrace that conveys God’s deepest desire….to love us to wholeness. His heart, a home, a welcoming embrace, never denied, even in all our wanderings far from the Father’s love. The text reveals the tender expression from Hosea: “And God, like a father, lifts a child to His face and kisses that child’s cheek.” In the Prodigal we find God’s tender, silent reassurance that we are forgiven. We are reminded that “As I have loved you so you should love one another.” May we convey that depth of love in our silent, forgiving embrace. To love as Christ loves.

~Ronald Cadmus

Additional information

Weight 1 oz
Dimensions 11 × 8.5 × .015 in


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